tisdag 17 december 2013

Hur dum får du vara sebastian? Stop writing to people who don't want to talk to you -.-'!

2 kommentarer:

Desirée sa...

Kramen! :)

Anonym sa...

To quote my favourite doctor, Ten:
" What? what? what??"
If someone has been unkind to you Sebbe, just refer them to me. I am tired and cranky enough after an exhausting term to bite ANYONE'S head off without a second thought:) And anyone who has been mean and thoughtless to my favvo Seb deserves at LEAST to have their head bitten off while I further consider how to ACTUALLY punish them. Grrrrr :(

Mrs " Don't get in my way and certainly DON'T ask me and stupid questions....only one day of school left before I collapse in an exhausted heap" . Och förresten: KRAM!!!!