måndag 18 mars 2013


Hörde precis att det inte blir någon IB klass 2013 HEEEEELT Galet!

Sadface... HEEELT surrealistic! Varför vill inte folk utbilda sig längre? Vad hände med att IB var "coolt" det var ju aldrig coolt :P Men liksom det var ju tryck på att få komma in.

Visst sviktande elevantal... men nånting säger mig ändå att Andelen som söker IB har också sjukigt, fine fler program att välja på but still.

Vad ska alla lärare göra med sin tid nu?

Anyway! Don't be discouraged! IB is still one of the best decisions of my life, thanks for being such an awesome part of it too!

Love you all

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

We love you too Sebastian; trouble is ..there aren't enough students like you any more to make an IB class. Very, very, sad. But we truly hope and believe that we can regroup and attract a class for the autumn of 2014. Strange that we took in 40 students last autumn, and yet we only got 18 applications for HT 13. The demographic crisis is , of course, a major factor, but we have to be doing something wrong too???? What are we doing wrong???