måndag 15 oktober 2012

Sometimes it just doesn't feel right.

Sometimes it just doesn't feel right. You see a man jump out of a capsule at 39000m above the ground and your heart is pounding like never before. Why you may ask yourself? Well i dunno but i was so nervous for this guy that my heart was litterarily beating when he jumped out. Now remember that i don't know this man, his story (history höhö that is soooo cool never thought about that) then imagine that i actually knew him. Heart attack maybe? I think it might have to do with all the fears i have; those regarding myself, and those regarding the people i love, and how extreme the situation he was in. Maybe because life is an emotional roller coaster always going up to the high, before it is time to fall to a low and hit the ground.

I sometimes feel that i have this heart that wants to give so much, but i just can't. I have noone to give it to. By saying i have noone to give it to however i'm being selfish. Because there is so many things one can deeply care about, so many problems in the world both big and small that one can be devoted to. There are so many people in need of a simple smile. Still i tend to favor people, devote my attention to people, people who sometimes just doesn't want the attention. People whom i find interesting my get a lot of attention, but as they lose my interest they also lose my attention. Sometimes i can find that these individuals might not even deserve (what i would call) my love, caring and warmth. Sure it might not be humble to say, and one has to bear in mind that one can always improve, but i feel as if I'm a good soul. A nice person, with at least a good intent. It might not always turn out that way but the intent is good.

What i fear though is that even though the intent is good, is it driven by selfish gains? Economics teaches us that rational behaviour is to maximize ones own well being. I know economics is a poor model of the human function but there is something to it now, is it not? We all want to make our cake of happiness bigger. We strive for what makes us happy. I would also say that we tend to give more of our heart to people who makes us happy even perhaps with out them deserving it and less perhaps to people who actually need it, and in their turn also deserves it because these might be the people that are prepared to give back. Is this selfish behaviour? I wish feelings could be controlled more easily, being able to divert your love and warm embrace to what logically seems most reasonable, to what seems most right. But it is hard to do so, because by doing so you feel as if you are neglecting what is irrational (but yet seems rational since it makes you happy) because these individuals won't give back.

I think i just lost myself so here is an example to try to clear it out. The other day i saw a video of this girl that made a video of how she has been bullied and really had nobody to turn to. She was later found dead, presumingly after committing suicide. In the end of the video she is crying out for help with her paper note with something like "i have nobody, i need somebody" and i find it outrageous that it had to end this way. I felt in my heart that i just really really wanted to go to her, talk to her and even if i didn't know her i felt strongly for her. However I'm not sure as to whether or not i would have if i actually was watching this video before hand. She needed love from anybody basically, and she didn't get it. I have this feeling that also makes me quite sure that she would be very very grateful for being thought of, cared about and loved. Which in its turn potentially should lead to an increase in happiness for this daring person who talked to her as she is likely to give back. Instead not a single person felt that this was what was right to do. No everyone kept paying attention to their image, their friends, their status that make them happy if they can reach. There is no getting anything back in those situations, only a give give give situation where happiness is rewarded in the form of, coolness, hierarchal systems, and "respect" by others. But happy can you really get with this giving and no getting?

As usual i don't really know where i'm going with this reasoning its just me brain blobbing down thoughts that pops up. I'm quite sure i'm happy to give alot and not recieve to much, because i recieve so much from so little. What is important though is to remember to also give to those whom you deem deserves it, and perhaps also needs it.

Remember to love, for the right reasons.

I love you, so much, there is no doubt about it. So please do take care of yourselves. Kisses and hugs!

Yours Truely

I'll give you all of my heart,
Untill the day it falls apart,

however i'm not afraid,
cause' after all efforts that i've made 
you'll be there to my heart mend,
since you have always been my friend.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Yes, some would agree that there is not such thing as altruism: that we are all deeply selfish in even the seemingly most selfless of acts. I think about my own children, the people I love more than life itself: i would do anything, give anything, sacrifice everything to make them happy. But why? is it because seeing them happy makes ME happy? So am i really doing it for my own pleasure? I don't THINK that I am....I THINK i am doing everything for THEM, but maybe I am really doing it for ME? BUt actually I don't know 'cos I never studied TOK!!!! hahaha Sebbe.....aren't you supposed to be the one with all the answers to "life, the universe and everything"...or, mmm..maybe that wasn't in the TOK course plan...??
Anyway..stop al this philosophising and get on with your DISSSSSSSSSertation :)

Seb sa...

Haha i will! Meeting with supervisor tomorrow! :D Lets get rocking!