Det är något som inte stämmer, det är inte rätt visa. Vad tror man egentligen när man sätter på fel låt? I ett hav av musik så är rätt visa svår att hitta. Och det har alltid varit så. Man måste våga visa tillit, man kan bara bytta ett låtval på en tro av att det blir rätt att det är ok, och det kommer fungera. Jag personligen tycker det är en väldigt o-rätt visa, men jag vet också att en dag en dag så kommer även jag välja the perfect song.
Och i min quest att hitta den får ni idag - You've got a friend
För jag vågar vara stark.
Love you all!
3 kommentarer:
Najs! But I have to admit I prefer the old James Taylor version! Now I am really showing my ancient age as I think it was on the album Mudslide Slim and the Blue Horizon...which was one of the first vinyl LPs that I owned.....(although not THE first.. and I didn't buy it until a few years after it was released!!!!)But i do still have James Taylor on my iPod....Ancient, va????
not ancient.. you have in an iPod fiona... thats not ancient at all! :P I don't even have one! :P
Acht...yer so sweet Sebbe....
Actually I'm on to my 3rd Ipod now. The first i ruined with sweat by wearing it next to my skin while training, the second my son "broke" when he was borrowing it because it had better music than his (!!) and now my third is inherited from said son, becuse i bought both my kids new iPod classics for Chrimble, meaning that i could inherit one of their old ones to replace the one my son broke!!! A mother's logic, and nothing else!!!!
My new/old Ipod has got everything from the aforementioned JT and The Porridge Men, Runrig, Coldplay , Snow Patrol and (of course) U2, to Band of horses, Kings of Leon, Florence and the machine,Emil Jensen, John Meyer..etc, etc, etc... Who could live without it??
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