onsdag 25 september 2013

it is bound to have "child illnesses"

Here we go!

En ny termin har börjat och jag har varit i skottland 1½ vecka redan. Tiden går fort och det där 13 veckorna eller vad det är innan jul kommer försvinna i ett schwooosh.

För er som inte vet har jag börjat ett master program nämnligen MSc Quantitative Finance och det innebär att jag kommer att räkna matte, jjobba med datorer (programmera :O), och läsa finance. Jag är detta år även biblotikarie för universitetskören och ansvarar därför för att all musik kommer ut och att all musik kommer tillbaka in igen efter året.

Om vi ska försöka snabb sammafatta tiden i Glasgow so far I....

  • Arrived Monday
  • got my new room (first room change since 1-2 year) 
    • Carpet is a bit mingin otherwise im quite happy with the new configuration
    • Awesome flat mates, (1 swiss, 1 spanish & 1 scottish girl, and a scottish boy)
      • The scot does sport or something so he is away quite alot...
  • Bought a cineworld unlimited card which entitles me to 1 year of free cinema (2D movies)
    • already seen, Grown Ups 2, Despicable Me 2, Planes, Elysium, Pain & Gain,
  • Had an induction meeting with the course we are only 11 peoples
    • 3 chinese guys (whereof 2 are big and small robin), 1 Maltese guy, 1 englishmen, 1 scot, 1 indian 1 me, and 3 chinese girls. SOOO very masculine i guess.
    • It is also the first year the degree is run so it is bound to have "child illnesses" 
    • But since we are only 11 we will get the extra attention atleast
  • Had my first math class
    • Split into two parts, Matrices and Calculus / Probability and statistics.
      • First part hard/challanging/scary, Second part should be easy
  • Had my first computer science class
    • Started out bad we where given the wrong classroom but found the right one and ended up being 15 min late for an hours lecture.
    • Kill me now its gonna be a loooong year. Hopefully it picks up. I still have no idea what we are really meant to be doing. But we will be working with Haskell language.
  • Have gone to the gym 2 times, doing tabata aka intervalls of 20 work 10 rest repeated 8 times for a total of 4 min.
  • Had the first rehearsal for the year.
    • Met new people in chorus it was awesome! Love chorus and singing it is the best!
  • Bought a calendar and am using it for the first time since IB. 
    • So actually for the first time since IB i'm planing to do so much work that i won't remember what i have to do without one.
And today finance will start, should be relatively easy as all classes are meant to bring everyone up to speed this year. Next semester will be more interesting i think. But i shouldn't complain i like maths even though it probably is going to be hard work. AND i do know finance... its only the computer science scaring me now!

I'm probably missing something MEN det här räcker nog ändå haha!

Harre bäst på er där ute!

Since the day i met you my mind has been unable to stop....